After leaving Martin's Cove, passing all the colored Trek flags, and driving 6 hours pulling a heavily loaded trailer behind our poor little 14 year-old car . . .

. . . we arrived safely in Salt Lake greeted by all our children and grandchildren. What fun and what a blessing!

We will be reporting on our mission and speaking in Sacrament Meeting on Sunday, January 25, at 1:00 pm, at the Salt Lake Valley View Stake Center located on the northwest corner of 2300 East and 3900 south.
We would love to see you,
but please do not feel any pressure to come!
We would love to see you,
but please do not feel any pressure to come!
We will not be having any kind of gathering or open house afterward.
We will save that for the big party and reunion on
Saturday, July 11, 2015, at our ranch.
We love you all and cherish the memories of the times we've had together! Thankfully the relationships we have formed with each other are lasting - even
eternal - and hopefully we will also be worthy to someday meet the amazing
handcart pioneers whose lives we have honored and whose stories we have
The little banner our kids put up says it all,
"It's a Wonderful Life!"
"It's a Wonderful Life!"
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