Sunday, October 5, 2014


158 years ago - also on a Sunday - President Brigham Young stood up in front of the congregation and pleaded with them to prepare to give all they could in the form of food, blankets, clothing and shoes to send to the two handcart companies out on the plains.

The previous day Franklin D. Richards had brought him the message that they were on their way, but until his arrival in Salt Lake and his report to President Brigham Young, no one knew they were coming and there had been no provisions left anywhere along the trail for their resupply.

 The Willie Company, led by Captain James G. Willie, was first along the way, but buffalo and a lightning storm had stampeded and scattered their cattle causing them to travel so slowly that they would run out of food well before reaching the Salt Lake Valley.

The Martin Handcart Company, led by Captain Edward Martin, was weeks behind them, also traveling slowly because there were so many elderly pioneers and so many young children with them.  They too were fast running out of food.
 As the Prophet and Seer, Brigham Young must have known the fate of these two large handcart companies when he appealed to the congregation to "save the people" and "bring them in from the plains."

After that meeting women stood up and removed their petticoats, stockings and even their shoes to donate to the pioneers out on the plains.  The following day 20 wagons were loaded and on October 6, 1856 they headed east to find the Willie and the Martin Handcart Companies and rescue them.

My great, great grandfather Reddick Newton Allred was among them and so was my husband's great, great grandfather Joel Parrish.
158 years ago today that great rescue effort began . . . and we tell the rest of the story here at Martin's Cove!

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