Monday, January 5, 2015

OUR 2013 - 2014 VISITORS, plus wind like you can't believe!

On New Year's Day we tallied up the numbers from the two years we have served here. 
These are just the visitor numbers - it does not include the nearly 20,000 trekkers.  Trek groups are way to large to come to our Visitors' Center in the summer.  There are days that we have several hundred visitors, and if we tried to bring trek groups of 200 - 600+ through as well, the center would be so crowded that no one could even move!  They get the stories along the trail.

As we left Casper last Friday we took a few pictures to try to show how the snow looks when it is blowing off the hills and across the roads.  We drove up south Poplar street to where there were some beautiful homes and we had a better view of those wind blown hills.

Along the highway home we also tried to take pictures of how the snow looks, but a picture just can't capture it.
One really beautiful sight we saw was the sun shining through Devil's Gate as we approached it from the east.  This is how the pioneers would have first seen it, minus the fence, of course. 
Usually when you look at it from this angle you cannot see much through Devil's Gate, but the sun was low in the sky and reflected off the snow covered ground, making it easier to distinguish the view. 

Back at the Homestead we marveled at the view to the west.  The snow blows to and fro and circles around, undulating back and forth like it was fluid.

It may look beautiful outside in the snow, but these three little bunnies were hunkered down against the wind.  You can see how their tracks lead down against our apartment building, near one of the basement windows that gives them a little warmth and shelter.
 This morning when we woke up we discovered that the wind had been blowing at 57 mph during the night.  (Note the 57 under Peak)

It plastered the bedroom windows of our apartment so we couldn't even see out.
It also blew snow and ice into the porch area and onto the sliding glass door . . .  
. . . and we had to tape it shut all the way around to keep the wind out. 
It's FREEZING here!!

The wind blew so hard that it broke our flagpole . . .
. . . and bent it all the way down where it hit the roof of the Martin Cabin. 
We had already removed the ripped and tattered flags.  (We go through about 3 sets of flags or more each year due to the wind.)
 Elder Moench sent out a radio message that everyone should stay in their apartments today because the snowdrifts are so high no one can even get to the office or Visitors Center. 

Highway 220 that runs in front of our entrance is closed, as are many roads in Wyoming, so there is no chance of anyone coming to visit our site today.

They are snowed out and we are snowed in!!

Over the weekend we finished our Nativity jigsaw puzzle, and several of the missionaries completed the one of Devil's Tower in less than 24 hours, so perhaps they'll start another one since we can't go anywhere or do anything.
On days like this we marvel at how the handcart pioneers survived these conditions, and we are grateful beyond measure for the electricity that gives us heat, water, and comfort in our apartments!


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