Each September we do three weekends of Trek Leader Training - something that is required for ward, stake or family groups before they can come to Mormon Handcart Historic Sites to trek. Many trek leaders came here and camped out the night before.

On each of the Friday mornings the Trek Leaders registered
at what we now call "Outfitting" instead of "Staging" . . .
at what we now call "Outfitting" instead of "Staging" . . .

. . . and after a few stories at Ft. Seminoe we had a short orientation at the Trek Center . . .

. . . and then sent them out on the trail at Martin's Cove for a day of trekking.
They started by pulling their handcarts over Pete Creek and hearing the experience of Amy Loader who cried because she was afraid to cross it.
After a full day of trekking and learning at Martin's Cove . . .
. . . we fed them dinner at the Barn and talked about medical issues . . .
. . . food for their treks . . .
. . . and a little melodrama about proper dress for the trek. This year's melodrama had some unexpected lines that broke everyone up.

. . . and hopefully they will be prepared when they come to trek!

. . . and they both did a terrific job!

Then we took the trek leaders outside the Barn
and taught them how to square dance . . .
and taught them how to square dance . . .
. . . so they could go home and teach it to their kids.
Each of the Saturdays we had training at Sixth Crossing so the Trek Leaders could see that site also. The missionaries there have worked hard to beautify the Trek Center with a new wooden rail in the loft area and beautiful pictures of venues along the trail and at Rock Creek Hollow.
We fed them breakfast there and then after a beautiful song by Elder Woodbury called Prayer of the Walking Child, information was given by the trek schedulers. Elder Moench talked to them and then there was a question and answer period.

After that we presented a Readers' Theater that ended with the powerful song, God Was There, and then there was a short talk about using music on the trail.

The last thing is called Come Take Your Place and we invite leaders to go home and think about all they have learned so they can plan their treks successfully.
We mingled with them at lunch to answer any other questions.
The Martin's Cove Farewell Party this year
became a cruise on "Sweetwater Cruise Lines."
Our amazing activities committee transformed the Barn into a cruise ship!
Everyone dressed in their best outfits and there were corsages and boutonnieres for the men (silk, of course, but still beautiful!)

After another delicious meal we had a slide show and each couple came up to the microphone to tell about their favorite vacation spot.

Pictures were taken of us with each couple . . .

. . . and then we were entertained by the fabulous Poison Spider Boys!
. . . and then we were entertained by the fabulous Poison Spider Boys!

It was really a fun night!
We are going to be so sad and lonely when all our dear missionaries return to their homes! On their way back to Missionary Village everyone got to see our latest project - lighting the archway into the Homestead!
Hopefully everyone will be able to find us now - even when it's dark!
Just love the blog and keeping up with all the activities at MHHS. (Former) Elder Glass