The past few weeks have been full of preparations for the winter,
finishing up little projects we did not have time to do during the summer.
The Lorimers hosted a ground-breaking event here at Martin's Cove for the Brigham Young Family Organization and the Joseph Smith, Jr., Family Organization. These two groups have not always seen eye to eye about the events following Joseph's martyrdom and the subsequent migration west, but now many members of Joseph's family have been identified and are hearing about the gospel for the first time. Martin's Cove was neutral ground for both groups, and they had a marvelous tour by the Lorimers and lunch in the Gathering Room.

A delicious "Rib Party" replaced our normal "Break the Fast" on our final Fast Sunday.
BYU fans held a Tailgate Party outside at Ranch 66 and planned to watch the football game there . . . until the wind and rain broke it up.
Sister Butler, Sister Mueller, and many others created beautiful quilts to give to charity, and some to give as prizes at the annual MHHS Christmas Party.
Sister Butler quilted the last one.
Elder and Sister Ames taught a pie making class that was well-attended by the missionaries!
School Groups continue to come for their Fourth Grade Wyoming History.
They seem to love it here, and we love having them come!
The Laytons and the Stimpsons sanded down and refinished the two wooden tables in the Gathering Room that had been deeply gauged and damaged. They look beautiful!
We had planned to go with all the missionaries to one last fireside with President and Sister Lorimer at Winterbrook, their beautiful home in Riverton, but that night it SNOWED!!!
The Lorimers graciously postponed it for a week, which worked out well, because the following week was sunny and warm with no wind - a perfectly delightful evening!

President Lorimer showed everyone the magnificent bookcases he made and filled with his writings about the Second Rescue
plus the acquisition and history of Mormon Handcart Historic Sites.
plus the acquisition and history of Mormon Handcart Historic Sites.
It was a lovely evening, and missionaries found places to relax and even play the "Hook the Ring on the Nail" game by the children's playhouse.
Finally everyone gathered around the Lorimers' gazebo with their lawn chairs . . .
. . . and for the next hour and a half President and Sister Lorimer talked to us
and answered any questions.
It was the perfect way to end our series of firesides this summer!
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